What is actually a sportcarver?

Does the Sportcarver fit to me?

Just like the allround carver, the sportcarver is a ski for skiers who are on the prepared slope and don't want to commit themselves to a certain type of turn, such as short turns or long turns. But watch out: The Sportcarver is much more sporty than an allround carver and is therefore aimed more at experienced, sporty skiers who want to go faster and therefore require more stability.

Thanks to its versatility, however, a sportcarver does not have to be ridden constantly at speed and with the highest precision. It is therefore particularly suitable for skiers who want to vary their riding style depending on their mood and conditions: sometimes fast, sometimes leisurely, sometimes short turns, sometimes long turns, sometimes carved and sometimes the classic style with tight ski guidance. The Sportcarvers are incredibly flexible!

What are the characteristics of a sportcarver?

The sportcarver is in its characteristics something like the "missing link" between allroundcarver on the one hand and racecarver and slalomcarver on the other hand.
Like the allround carver it has mostly a middle radius and is therefore very versatile, like the slalom carver it can be easily turned in and pressed into a short turn, like a racecarver it remains stable and smooth even at higher speeds.

In detail, of course, there are a lot of differences between the individual sportcarver models: Some models simply have a radius that lies relatively exactly between that of slalom and race carvers, others work with a double or even triple radius. Some sport carvers make it easier to turn in with a slalom shovel, others with the help of a rocker that almost resembles all-mountain skis. So one ski has different radii in different places. So sportcarvers cannot simply be put in a drawer.

Even with all the differences, the sportcarvers have one thing in common: They are the generalists among the sporty slope skis!

In what length should you ski a sportcarver?

Because the sportcarver is not fixed to a certain skiing style, the length cannot be fixed in a generalized way. The length has a considerable influence on the handling characteristics of a ski and therefore it depends on which characteristics of the sportcarver you place particular emphasis on:

Would you like to use the slalom characteristics of the Sportcarver or do you want it to be especially easy to turn? Then you should take your sportcarver in a length that is about ten to twenty centimeters below your height.
Or are you primarily interested in smooth running and stability at higher speeds? Do you ski more in a classic style? Then the length of your sports carver should be approximately the same as your body height, with five centimeters more or less in the frame.

Sportcarver for women?

Of course, there is no reason why women should not also use the men's (or unisex) sportcarvers, but there are good reasons why female skiers should rather look for the models developed especially for women.
Women's skis differ from men's not only in weight and design, but also in their handling characteristics. Women's body center of gravity is usually further towards the hips than men's, and since skiing is mainly about shifting the body center of gravity at the right moment, conventional skis do not always make it easy for women to initiate the turn. That's why women's skis are usually designed with the body's center of gravity further forward to make it easier to turn in.

You prefer a specialist rather than a generalist?

If the sports carver does not pull you into the short turn aggressively enough, you should have a look at our slalom carvers. And if the smoothness and stability of the sports carver is not enough for your speed, you might find something in our race carvers.
Or do you want a versatile slope ski, but are a beginner or still in the learning phase? Then our allround carvers could be something for you.

Tags: Sportcarver